General upper secondary school of Hamina

The general upper secondary school of Hamina (Haminan lukio) operates in Ekami’s premises, in the K-wing (address Erottajankatu 21). There are approximately 250 full-time students, in addition to which some 30 vocational school students take upper secondary education studies at our school.The school has more than twenty teachers.
The general upper secondary school of Hamina is a versatile educational institution. There are plenty of elective courses in different subjects considering the size of the school.
We are part of the Southern Kymenlaakso Sports Academy(Etelä-Kymenlaakson urheiluakatemia, EKA), which gives target-oriented athletes a chance to do training in the morningbefore school. The Southern Kymenlaakso Sports Academy is part of the national network of sports academies. The general upper secondary school of Hamina has been part of EKA for about 15 years. About 40 students of the school participate in the academy every year.
The atmosphere of our school is open and cosy. An active student body is an important part of the activities of our school. If you are interested in enhancing your general knowledge and in extensive further study opportunities, the general upper secondary school of Hamina is a good option for completing general upper secondary studies.
Ask more about general upper secondary studies
Principal of general upper secondary school Juha Malinen,
, Head of Education Services,