
Next elections: County and municipal elections Election day on Sunday 13 April 2025 from 9 am. to 8 pm. The advance voting period is from 2 to 8 April 2025 in Finland and from 2 to 5 April 2025 abroad.
Municipal elections
The central role of municipalities in our everyday life cannot be emphasised enough. It is precisely municipalities that will decide how to develop, for example, basic education, early childhood education, street maintenance, culture, vitality in the form of sports and cultural services in the coming years. They will also be responsible for making the necessary adaptations to combat climate change.
County elections
In the county elections, voters will elect representatives for county councils. County councils decide on the organisation and provision of health and social services and rescue services in wellbeing services counties.
Who can vote?
If you are not sure whether you can vote, you can see more detailed information about voting rights at the link below.
Advance voting in Hamina
Advance voting in Finland: 2–8 April 2025. You can vote either in advance or on election day. Below you can see advance voting places in Hamina.
Hamina Main Library
Adress: Rautatienkatu 8, 49400 HAMINA
Tel. +358 401 991 394
2–4 April 2025 from 10.00 am to 7 pm
5–6 April 2025 from 10.00 am to 2 pm
7–8 April 2025 from 10.00 am to 8 pm
Voting Buss
Tel. +358 400 256 814
Saturday 5 April 2025
Mäntlahti, Pyötsaaren th, adress: Crossroads of Museotie and Pyötsaarentie
from 9.30 am to 10.10 am
Vilniemi, Seuratalo, adress: Seuratalontie 6
from 10.30 am to 11.00 am
Kolsila, Kirkkojärvi School, adress: Kirkkojärvi 347
from 11.15 am to 11.35 am
Myllykylä, Parkon kauppa, adress: Myllykyläntie 154
from 11.50 am to 12.30 pm
Paijärvi, adress: Kylänmäki 291
from 12.40 pm to 1.20 pm
Onkamaa, Kotolan th, adress: Onkamaantie 1014
from 1.45 pm to 2.30 pm
Pyhältö, Sale, adress: Mäenpääntie 4
from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Sunday 6 April 2025
Ruissalo, Vehkalahtitalo, adress: Ruissalontie 8
from 9.00 am to 9.30 am
Uusi-Summa, K-Market, Adress: Siitosentie 42
from 9.50 am to 10.30 am
Neuvoton School, adress: Suntiontie 1
from 10.45 am to 11.10 am
Reitkalli, adress: Pekkolankuja 7
from 11.30 am to 12.15 pm
Metsäkylä, VPK parking lot, adress: Metsäkyläntie 390
from 12.30 pm to 1.15 pm
Husula School, adress: Töytärintie 20
from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm
Kannusjärvi School, adress: Keskikyläntie 233
from 2.50 pm to 3.10 pm
Kitulan kioski, adress: Kitulantie 49
from 3.20 pm to 4.00 pm
Election day voting in Hamina
Your election day polling station will be specified on the polling card that will be sent to you before the elections. You can also search for your election day polling station based on your home address in the Polling Station ServiceLink to an external website run by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency starting on 18 March 2025.
Election Day voting will be held on Sunday, April 13, 2025, from 9 am to 8 pm by polling district as follows:
Polling station | Place | Adress |
1. Alakaupunki | Pappilansalmi School | Torvensoittajankatu 2 |
2. Husula | Husula School (school gym) | Töytärintie 20 |
3. Kannusjärvi | Kannusjärven TOK-talo | Lahdenmäentie 34 |
4. Keskikaupunki | Hamina Sports Hall | Kaarlonkatu 3 |
5. Metsäkylä | Metsäkylän seurantalo | Metsäkyläntie 393 |
6. Neuvoton | Neuvoton School | Suntiontie 1 |
7. Poitsila | Poitsila School | Rastipolku 7 |
8. Pyhältö | Pyhältö School | Pyhällöntie 380 |
9. Saviniemi | Hamina Main Library | Rautatienkatu 8 |
10. Summa | Uusi-Summa School | Tenkkiilintie 119 |
11. Vilniemi | Vilniemen urheilutalo | Seurantalontie 6 |
Ask more info elections
email: vaalit@hamina.fi